
IntegriFest 2024: Celebrating growth, learning, and community


This May, Integrify organized IntegriFest, an event dedicated to celebrating the achievements of our developers and the community's continued growth. IntegriFest provided an opportunity for our staffed developers, alumni, and the Integrify team to connect, share experiences, and learn from one another.

Integrify's new CEO, Janne Muurinen, kicked off the event with valuable lessons he has learned throughout his career in the IT field.

Key takeaways from Janne Muurinen’s speech:

  • Don’t be afraid of seemingly wrong turns: Janne encouraged developers to embrace unexpected changes and view them as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • Embrace failure: Failure was presented not as a setback but as a critical learning experience.
  • Stay curious: Asking questions and maintaining a curious mindset were highlighted as essential traits for continuous improvement and innovation. Janne reminded the audience that curiosity drives progress and development.

Experiences of our alumni

The event was all about Integrify alumni, who shared their stories and how Integrify has impacted their careers. Many of our alumni shared their positive experiences with the Academy as well as with the career coaching. We chatted with a few of our alumni, and here is what they had to say:

  • Yogitaba, software developer at Elisa: "I studied business before transferring to Integrify, it was my first step into the tech industry. The experience has been overwhelmingly positive, with the practical nature of the courses and the effectiveness of the pre-selection process. The career coaching provided essential support and encouragement throughout my journey."

  • Matt, software developer at ABB: "I have a keen interest in further developing my skills in DevOps and testing. My time at Integrify provided a solid foundation for my ongoing professional development."

  • Parviz, software developer at Edocare: "Working at Edocare, I am passionate about learning new things daily to become a better developer. The continuous learning environment at Integrify has been instrumental in my growth."

  • Mohamed, front-end developer at Bitwards: "As the only front-end developer at Bitwards, I find my work hectic but rewarding. I appreciate the effective teaching methods and supportive environment at Integrify. I continue to keep in touch with former classmates and found the career coaching and mock interviews particularly beneficial."

Integrify: Bridging the gap between talent and opportunity

Integrify continues to expand its services, offering full-stack development courses, custom academies, and recruitment services for partner companies. Since its inception in 2016, Integrify has partnered with over 150 companies and trained over 1500 developers, consistently bridging the gap between aspiring tech professionals and the Finnish tech industry.

The event concluded with the Maze Master Challenge, a fun and engaging activity that fostered teamwork and cooperation among the participants. As the evening drew to a close, the sense of community and shared purpose was apparent, reinforcing Integrify’s mission to empower and uplift the tech talent of tomorrow.

IntegriFest was not just an event but a testament to the transformative power of education, support, and community. We look forward to many more such celebrations in the future as we continue to grow and evolve together!

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